Have you been dreaming about building a home for years and you were kinda hoping that 2022 would be your year to build a custom home? Maybe now you’re feeling a little confused about whether this is actually a good time to build given the current home build climate (which let’s just be real … it’s CRAZY, to say the least)?
Let me reassure you that you are NOT alone in questioning if this is the right time to start building your dream home! This fear (and confusion) is so common that I’ve decided to address it in my very first podcast episode.
Let’s be real … this is a VERY tough time to be building a home given the material price volatility (I’m looking at you, lumber prices) and availability issues (i.e. lag time in production and delivery of materials).
Not to mention, the rising interest rates (which, by the way, they’ve been REALLY low for years so they were bound to go back up).
There’s a lot of uncertainty and it’s scary BUT people ARE still building. People are finding a way to make it work.
However, it’s important to be realistic and to understand that what you could have built pre-pandemic is going to cost more to build now and that’s just the reality of the market we’re in.
We’re paying more for everything (gas, groceries, clothing, etc.) … literally, prices for everything are going up so it makes sense that we’re going to pay more to build a house.
With that said, if you’ve been dreaming about building a home and now you’re on the fence because it’s such a difficult home-build market right now, you DO have options and it’s up to YOU to decide what the best option is for YOUR family.

If you decide that you don’t want to build a home at any time (for whatever reason), there is NO shame in that!
You have to do what is best for YOUR family and YOUR financial situation.
Confidently own your decision to not build and move forward toward buying an existing house or tweak your current home to make it work for your family.
If you decide that now isn’t the right time for your family to build and you don’t have a major rush to move, it’s ok to stay put and give it a year or two to see what happens with the home build market.
You don’t have to give up your dream of building a custom home altogether … there’s nothing wrong with postponing it.
If you do decide to postpone your build, my recommendation is that you start the initial planning work RIGHT NOW so that you’re ready to move forward and jump right into building your dream home as soon as the timing (and the market) is right for YOUR family and your financial situation.
We’ve gone over the first two options … choose not to build at any time or postpone your home build. The third option is to go for it and build your dream home right now.
If you choose option 3 and you’re ready to move forward in building your dream home, GREAT!
I encourage you to start planning NOW because the more prep work you do BEFORE you build, the better your chance of ending up with a home you absolutely love that is also close to budget (especially in 2022!).
And this is where I come in as your home build guide (or as I like to refer to myself, ‘your home build bestie’).
I’m here to guide you through preparing for your build in a way that will increase your chances of ending up with a home you LOVE (#noregrets) without completely butchering your budget. I do this through my private group coaching course + community called ‘Before You Build’ (a.k.a. BYB).
Obviously, I have no control over material costs and/or delivery times. You don’t have control over these things either, BUT there are things that you DO have control over when preparing to build your dream home … no matter what is going on in the home build market. And that’s what I focus on.
I like to focus on what you CAN control and I’ll be sharing more about what you DO have control over in next week’s podcast episode (so be sure to tune in for that one).
In the meantime, I invite you to grab a (virtual) seat in my *FREE* on-demand video training: ‘3 Simple Keys to Build Your Dream Home Within Budget … without sacrificing your must haves, no matter how big or small your budget’.
In this free training, you will learn the three biggest mistakes (to avoid!) that get in the way of staying on budget when building a home as well as three simple keys to build your dream home close to budget without sacrificing your must-haves. Plus, you’ll walk away from this training with tangible action steps to get you started on the path to a successful home build.
Grab your (virtual) seat here and learn how to prepare for your home build the right way so that as soon as the timing is *right* for your family, you’re ready to jump in and start building!