how make money on instagram

How I Make Money on Instagram: The Home Decor Niche

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how make money on instagram

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Have you ever wondered how people make money on Instagram? I am often asked, “How in the world do you make money posting photos of your home on Instagram?!” This blog post is a departure from my typical design post BUT I know there are people out there sharing photos of their home on Instagram […]



Design + Decorate

walk-in closet with window and drawers

Master Walk-In Closet Design Ideas and Inspiration

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walk-in closet with window and drawers

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Are you in the process of building a new home (or doing a home reno) and looking for master walk-in closet design ideas? Of course, you can google images or search for ‘master closet ideas’ in Pinterest, but you’ll get an overwhelming amount of ideas … and some of them aren’t even that great (did I […]



Building a Home

guide to choose rug size and placement featured

How to Choose the Best Rug Size and Placement

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guide to choose rug size and placement featured

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Are you confused about how large of a rug you need and/or how to place your furniture on the rug?! Whether you are furnishing a new home or you want to update your current home decor, this post is your guide on how to choose the best rug size and placement! By the end of […]



Design + Decorate

the easy way to select design finishes for your new build

How to Easily Select Design Finishes for your New Home

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the easy way to select design finishes for your new build

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Are you in the process of choosing finishes for your new home build (or renovation) and you feel completely overwhelmed? Do you wish that someone (anyone) would give you 3-4 products to choose from and you could easily select design finishes for your new home from this shortlist?! I get it … and I’ve got your back! […]



Selecting Design Finishes

serena & lily look for less white bedroom

Serena & Lily Look for Less: Neutral Bedroom

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serena & lily look for less white bedroom

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If you’re anything like me, you love (LOVE) Serena & Lily’s simple, classic and neutral vibe … however, your budget doesn’t allow you to decorate your entire room with Serena products. Girl, you aren’t alone! As a matter of fact, one of my most popular blog posts is Serena & Lily Look for Less: Family […]



Design + Decorate

guide to cabinet hardware placement

A Guide to Cabinet Hardware Placement

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guide to cabinet hardware placement

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So you’ve chosen your cabinets, they’re installed, and now there is one more decision … where is the best cabinet hardware placement? In other words, where should you hang cabinet knobs and pulls on your cabinet doors? It’s actually quite simple! I’ll give you some guidelines (and share helpful diagrams) below re: the best place to […]



Building a Home

hey there,

I designed my own custom home from the ground up, inside and out. A home that is cozy, comfy, laid out perfectly for the way my family lives, and makes us happy every single day. Oh, and did I mention I did this all without going over budget?! 

Yep, it’s true. I’ve been there, done that, and actually lived through it … and you will too. Pinkie promise!

a.k.a. Caroline on Design

I’m Carrie Barker.


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Home Build Prep Guide

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