I’m sharing 3 common mistakes to avoid when building a home.
I see people make these mistakes ALL. THE. TIME. but I won’t let them happen to YOU!
These are all 100% avoidable … and I’m so glad you’re listening to this episode so that you’ll know exactly what to avoid.
Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Ready to confidently build a house that you absolutely LOVE … without blowing your budget? Join us inside BYB and get immediate access to the BYB BLUEPRINT℠ framework, floor plan feedback, personalized support, and so much more. Click here to get allll the BYB details.
Below is the full transcript for this podcast episode.
Hey! If you’re listening to this episode the week it is released (that is, the week of January 13th, 2025), I wanna let you know that the doors are OPEN to join my BEFORE YOU BUILD℠ program!
This program walks you step-by-step through preparing for a successful home build that ends with some pretty great results … how does building within budget and without design regrets sound?
Pretty amazing, right?!
Doors will be open through this Sunday, January 19th at 11:59 pm CT … and there is a pretty sweet promo price happening this week.
So join us inside BEFORE YOU BUILD℠ before doors close this Sunday night.
And if you’re listening to this episode after January 19th, still head to the address I gave you because there will likely be a little surprise invitation waiting for you. Just sayin’! 🙂
Hey there! Welcome back to the BEFORE YOU BUILD℠ podcast. I’m your host, Carrie Barker (aka, Caroline on Design), and today, in episode 78, I’m sharing three common mistakes to avoid when building a home.
I see people make these mistakes ALL. THE. TIME.
BUT … I’m not gonna let them happen to you!
So let’s get started …
Raise your hand if you’ve heard the following from ‘well-intentioned’ friends, family members, complete strangers, and even members of your home build team:
‘Everyone goes over budget when building a custom home … expect to go at least 20% over budget … no one builds on budget in today’s market … going over budget is inevitable and just part of the process.’
Umm … nope.
Here’s the truth …
The unfortunate reality is that MOST people DO go over budget when building.
Many go significantly over budget.
BUT the good news is that YOU don’t have to build like *most* people.
Going over budget when building a home is NOT inevitable (even in today’s market).
This is YOUR story, and you get to control the ending.
You CAN build within budget … no matter what people tell you.
My house is proof of this, and the same simple and timeless strategy that worked for me to build within budget is now working for my BEFORE YOU BUILD℠ clients, too!
3 Costly Home Build Mistakes (to AVOID!)
Sticking to budget when building all starts with avoiding three common mistakes that I see people make ALL. THE. TIME.
These mistakes can lead to significant budget overages (especially mistake #3!).
BUT … I’m not gonna let them happen to you!
These are all 100% avoidable … and I’m so glad you’re listening to this episode so that you’ll know exactly what to avoid.

01: Believing it’s 100% inevitable you’ll go over budget when building
The first mistake I see over and over is believing it’s 100% inevitable that you’ll go over budget when building (because quote ‘everyone does’).
We talked about this earlier … we hear from just about everyone that we’ll go over budget, so it’s easy to believe it’s inevitable. That it’s a fact. That it’s a done deal.
But just accepting this belief as fact will hold you back.
As you know, the reality is that *most* people do go over budget when building their house … some go significantly over budget.
We hear horror stories about people going WAY over budget ALL. THE. TIME.
And we rarely hear of people building within budget, so it’s easy to assume that it’s a done deal … we assume it’s 100% inevitable that we’ll go over budget because everyone tells us they did.
But again … I built my house on budget without sacrificing my must-haves and without design regrets.
So, yes, it’s a FACT that *MOST* people go over budget when building, but it isn’t inevitable or a *fact* that YOU will go over budget.
I’m here to tell you that you CAN build a house you absolutely love ON budget!
My house and my experience are proof of this.
When you follow my proven 4-step framework, the BYB BLUEPRINT℠ that I teach inside the BEFORE YOU BUILD℠ program , you will set yourself up to build your dream home within (or very close to) budget.
It worked for me.
It’s working for my clients.
And you can be next because doors to join BEFORE YOU BUILD℠ are open through this Sunday, January 19th at 11:59 pm CT.
I’ll add a link to BEFORE YOU BUILD℠ in the description so you can get all the details! And, bonus … this week, you get $500 off PLUS a limited-time bonus, the ORGANIZED HOME BUILD BUNDLE. Once doors close, you’ll have to wait until they open again to join.
Ok, so mistake one is believing it’s 100% inevitable you’ll go over budget.
02: Consuming allll the free content you can find (googling home build advice)
The second mistake is consuming alllll the free content you can find.
(In other words … googling allll the home build advice you can get your hands on!)
In today’s age, we all go to Google for EVERYTHING.
And if you’ve never built a house before … this experience is all new to you, so you want as much advice as possible.
You want to learn what to do AND what not to do so that you don’t make costly mistakes you later regret or end up WAY over budget.
So you go to Google to get as much information and guidance as you can … you’re not alone, I do the same thing … multiple times a day!
BUT here’s the problem with consuming all the free content you can …
All you’re doing is pulling pieces of conflicting advice from here and there with no step-by-step plan.
You’re spending a TON of time piecemealing a DIY plan together that might not even bring you the results you want (you know, that beautiful dream home you can’t wait to share with family and friends … with a mortgage is right where you want it).
What if I told you that you could spend FAR LESS time just following a proven step-by-step plan from someone who has been through the home build process and achieved the results you want?
No more floundering on your own, trying to figure it out and piecemealing a plan together that may or may not get you the results you want.
You can … join us inside BEFORE YOU BUILD℠ while the doors are open and you get $500 off!
You’ll follow my exact BYB BLUEPRINT℠ that worked for me to build my dream home within budget, and now my BYB clients are doing the same.
If you’re not listening to this episode the week it’s released, don’t worry … you can still go to the BEFORE YOU BUILD℠ page, and there will be a little surprise for you. 😀
Ok, so the second mistake is consuming allll the free content you can find and piecemealing a DIY plan together that may or may not get you the results you want.
03: Assuming you can just ‘wing it’ and make design and budget decisions as you build
The third common mistake (and this is a BIG one) is assuming you can just ‘wing it’ and make design and budget decisions in ‘real-time’ as you go through your home build.
It’s understandable that you’re excited and you just want to get started on your dream home, so you dive right in without taking the time to plan before you build.
But … this is one of the biggest mistakes people make when building a house.
People think they can just go into their build with zero plan and make design decisions along the way and tweak their budget along the way.
But guess what ‘these’ people end up with?
👉 A mortgage that’s WAY higher than they’re comfortable with
👉 Intense stress as the decisions come fast and furiously
👉Minimal excitement and joy during the home build process
👉 And design regrets (lots o’ them) because there was too little time to make decisions
This is the last thing I want to happen to you, especially because all of it can be avoided by going in with a plan.
Taking the time to plan BEFORE you build will help you feel SO much more confident and in control of your budget and decisions.
Plus, you’ll be sooo much happier with the final results.
Next Steps: Build Within Budget
Let’s do a quick recap of the three common mistakes that lead people to go significantly over budget when building.
Number one is believing it’s 100% inevitable you’ll go over budget (and accepting this as a fact or a ‘done deal’).
Number two is consuming alllll the free content you find and piecemealing a DIY plan together that may or may not bring you the results you want.
Number three is just ‘winging it’ and making design and budget decisions in ‘real-time’ as you go through your home build.
All of these mistakes can lead to significant budget overages, but number 3 (i.e. going into your build without a plan) is what really leads to a negative home build experience full of stress and overwhelm and, you guessed it … significant budget overages.
I don’t want these negative outcomes for you.
I don’t want you to feel stressed or overwhelmed or trapped financially in a house you can’t afford because you completely blew your budget.
This is exactly why I created the BEFORE YOU BUILD℠ program.
It’s your step-by-step guide to preparing for a successful home build that includes building within (or very close to) budget and being VERY happy and proud of your home when it’s done.
Again, doors are open to join BEFORE YOU BUILD℠ through this Sunday, January 19th at 11:59 pm CT. And this week, you get $500 off PLUS access to a limited-time bonus which is the ORGANIZED HOME BUILD BUNDLE.
If you’re not listening to this episode the week it’s released, don’t worry … you can still go to the BEFORE YOU BUILD℠ page, and there will be a little surprise for you. 😀
Ready to confidently build a house that you absolutely LOVE and is perfect for YOUR family (now + into the future) … without blowing your budget? Join us inside BYB today and get immediate access to the BYB BLUEPRINT℠ framework, floor plan feedback, personalized support, and so much more. 🙌 Click here to get all the BEFORE YOU BUILD℠ details.